Corrosion Engineering

Corrosion Engineering
  • One basic requirement is that Water Treatment Systems on board should guarantee that Fresh Water downstreams of the treatment system is non-corrosive to metals.
  • Nothing - in a material sense - is quite so fundamental to the quality of life onboard of seagoing ships as a reliable supply of crystal clear pure non-corrosive Potable and Technical Water.
  • All the engineering experience and skills, which have been established in the Reverse Osmosis process, will be immensely valuable in ensuring reliability in both equipment and system design.
Ryznar Index Graph of Scaling and Corrosion Effects
Corrosion conditions in Fresh Water handling systems
From the corrosion point of view, the main factors determining the corrosivity of working fluids in Fresh Water handling systems are:
  • Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
  • ph Value
  • Calcium-Hardness
  • Carbonate-Hardness (Alkalinity)
  • Chloride
  • Chlorine
  • Temperature
Nomograph for determining                         Langelier or Ryznar Index
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